Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I definitely had more digging. I forgot about the piers. The wooden posts that hold up the frame are supported by concrete piers that go down below the frost line. I found some excellent instructions on concrete piers here.

So far I have marked out all of the piers, then I recruited a few of my friends to help me dig. We got everything done except one corner. This particular corner has been giving me trouble since day one. There is a metal post from the chain-link fence, a 4x4 post from the privacy fence, and a huge ivy root system all tangled together. Here is the trouble spot before the fences were taken down.: I've removed both of the fence panels, but the posts and root system is still stuck. The roots have grown around the concrete foundations for the posts. Since it is so tangled, I need to dig deep and cut the roots so I can get everything out.

I have one week and two days to get the piers poured and cured. The saturday after next I am having a house raising party to erect the frame. The wood will be delivered next tuesday, then I have a few days to prep everything.

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